“When I met Monika, I felt incredibly stuck in my life. I had achieved a lot, experienced a lot, but there was still a missing element. This missing element led to destructive behavior in many ways—too much eating, too much wine, too much consumption on all levels. I see myself as a conscious and reflective person who has always been interested in self-development and was searching for what was missing. But at some point, I felt ‘over-reflected’ and just couldn’t move forward. In this situation, I had an RTT session and subsequent coaching with Monika. The RTT session brought up topics that I had never consciously thought of but now make absolute sense in terms of my stuck situation. These ‘aha moments’ during and after the RTT session were absolutely life-changing for me. Equally important was the subsequent coaching, where Monika very sensitively developed strategies with me on how these ‘aha moments’ can be meaningfully and practically implemented in everyday life. Thank you, Monika, it was fantastic and very valuable for me.”